Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Support and Fellowship

We as Christians must support and fellowship with one another. It is not simply enough to go through our daily routine without stopping to do good things that God would have us do. We have to give God the glory by praise with our mouth and our whole being as well as help our fellows brothers and sisters out. We also must extend this courtesy to non believers as well for we must love our enemy as well. Love must know no bounds and that's hard to understand sometimes as humans. Take time out to find out whats going on around you and make a difference. Kind words a helping hand a turn of the cheek just may make the difference. As always I look forward fellowshipping with you. Be blessed.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Still Reasearching

I'm now reading the book of Daniel to see how it connects to Revelation. When I have finished I intend to write a book pointing out the differences and similarities. With the different points of view on 2012 and other non Biblical predictions out there I hope to be a voice to let people know what God wants them to know in these end times. As always Be Blessed.