Friday, November 5, 2010


God has given us all the ability to be what we need to be. All people are not able to do the same things but in the body of Christ all of us work together to glorify God. We must then understand that we are all equal and must love on another. If we do this then we will have have happiness because we then have submitted to God's will

Sunday, October 24, 2010

No Blessing Too Small.

There is no blessing too small that we should take it for granted. I know that God always has his hands on those who believe and those who have been prayed for by those who believe. In my life just right now I am thanking God for the safe return of my sister home from work. You might say that is a small thing but it really is not, the car she is driving has no windshield wipers and yet God's protection is all around her. Those things are the things we should praise God for and many many more. Yes seen or not we should thank the Heavenly Father that he is so good and kind in any situation.

It seems sometimes to me that we get sucked into the idea that we make our own fate good or bad or things just happen but that is dangerous thinking. We must remember that God even though he has given us free will it is still his will that must be done and that he will never put more on us than we can bear. So stop and think about all the things in your life that God does for you and just stop and take a moment to thank him and then if you will please share with us what God has done for you . As always Be Blessed.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

God Is So Good

Not to sound redundant but I must say that God is good and will never fail us. Stop and think about certain instances in your life and thank God for all your blessings. It's easy to think that you did it all on your own but you didn't it was God that was there to carry you through the tough periods so always remember to thank God . As always Be Blessed.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sorry Haven't Been On In A While

I've been trying to get my on line business off the ground and haven't been been paying much attention to this blog and I apologize for that. In life we tend to get caught up in what we think is best for us and not what God wants for us. I have been spending so much time trying to make money I almost forgot about just fellowshipping. Again I deeply apologize and hope to here from you soon. As always Be Blessed.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Support and Fellowship

We as Christians must support and fellowship with one another. It is not simply enough to go through our daily routine without stopping to do good things that God would have us do. We have to give God the glory by praise with our mouth and our whole being as well as help our fellows brothers and sisters out. We also must extend this courtesy to non believers as well for we must love our enemy as well. Love must know no bounds and that's hard to understand sometimes as humans. Take time out to find out whats going on around you and make a difference. Kind words a helping hand a turn of the cheek just may make the difference. As always I look forward fellowshipping with you. Be blessed.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Still Reasearching

I'm now reading the book of Daniel to see how it connects to Revelation. When I have finished I intend to write a book pointing out the differences and similarities. With the different points of view on 2012 and other non Biblical predictions out there I hope to be a voice to let people know what God wants them to know in these end times. As always Be Blessed. 

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Reading Revelation

I am now reading Revelation again and this time I'm digging to find the meaning of it all. It's very comforting to know that our Lord has not forgotten us and will come back for us to live in paradise with him. When I finish reading and doing research I'll post again or if I'm inspired by the Lord to post earlier . I've been busy trying to get the message out about our community. Be Blessed

Thursday, March 4, 2010

A Reason

In life we sometimes try to find a reason for this and a reason for that and if we look close enough we'll find it because God always reveals himself to those who believe. Recently my wife and myself where hit with some news that really made us open our eyes,we found out that her liver is half way gone from years of drinking. We both really liked to drink it was an activity that we both shared but my stomach (ulcers) and her liver just can't take it anymore so we had to quit. Now I knew that with my mission in life that God would lead me in the right direction in life I just didn't know how but he showed us both. It's not easy but I am willing to accept that God has designated that my wife and myself become sober so thats what we're going to do. I'm glad he always works things out for the best. Look in your own life and see what God has designated for you. Be Blessed

Thursday, February 25, 2010

So Many Blessings

In my life I have so many blessing, and I thank God for them everyday. Most recently I was blessed to find a car that my family and I really needed . It was right there for us waiting as if no one else could see it. I know the truth and that is God has that set aside for my family and myself. So many good thing have come from God these last few days relations between my wife and her family have opened up and my business seems to have a chance to take off,praise God. TAKE TIME TO TELL ME ABOUT YOUR BLESSING I WOULD LOVE TO FELLOWSHIP WITH YOU AS ALWAYS  BE BLESSED.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Recently I was saddened by the death of a close friend. I worked with the man for about four years . He was killed in  a horrible construction accident. I wondered why for awhile but then I realized that it is not for me to wonder such things. I realized that God left me with wonderful memories and and job skills that I didn't have before I met him. Death is always hard at first but we must remember that when we leave here we all get a chance to be with the Lord before judgment. So if you experience death grieve but don't let it keep you down . Be blessed.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Greatest Commandment

In the Bible Jesus taught us that love is the greatest commandment. If you can love as God wants us to then you will follow all the other commandments. Love is very important to have for if you can love then you will have compassion and you will be able to sympathize with anyone. Take time to wonder if there was no love would we exists? The answer is simple no for God so Loved the world that he gave his only begotten son. So if you really want to please God you have to love and strive to be like him, God Is Love. Be Blessed

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Calling On The Name Of Jesus

If you feel powerless then fell that way no more. Thats right if you need power then all you have to do is call on the name of Jesus and believe. The believer has so much power that with just a little faith God will do great things in your life. So many times in the Bible peoples faith in God or their faith in the son of God Jesus (one in the same) has healed them from all types of disease and despair. The time came for me to call on Jesus a lot in my life from my nervous break downs to my jail time ,in all those situations and many more times that I can't count God was there in the situation working with me. So if you fell lost call on the name of Jesus repent for your sins be baptized and believe. Be Blessed.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Let us make a joyful noise unto the Lord. Music is a way to praise God from the soul. There are all kind of music. Now I'm not saying that all music serves God but he will let you know in your heart what is right and wrong. All that I'm really trying to say is all forms of music used in the right way (serving God) are useful. Consider the street wise person that is use to listening to rap, if that person hears a gospel rap song it just may save their soul by convincing them to go to Christ. In conclusion don't just wait to listen to your favorite song, sing it to the Lord and maybe make a new song to sing to him yourself. Be Blessed.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

More Blessings

God is the author of all things good. He has a way of bringing enjoyment to your life without you even having to ask .Remember you still should pray and ask always. Nevertheless God has been so good to me that even now he is blessing my business of 7 years to grow into it's full potential. I have this blog to fellowship with all of you, endless potential. It is by nobody but him that has made of these things possible. Think in your own life what has God done for your and praise him for it, sow a seed in to your blessing let God grow it for your. Be blessed.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

People Of God

To be a person of God you have to be willing to follow his will . I know we sometimes make mistakes but we have to be willing pick our selves up and try again whole heartedly. After all a saint is just a sinner who fell down and got up. God is willing to use us all we just have to be willing to do his will. Moses committed murder,Paul persecuted Christians as Saul of Tarshish the list goes on. The point I trying to make is God is a forgiving God. Lets give God honor and praise today and forever because that is the first step to building a relationship with him. Believe in his son Jesus and his holy name that he died for our sins, repent and be baptized. God loves us so much that he gave his only begotten son as a sacrifice for our sins that we might have eternal life. When you think of him in that way doesn't  it make you want to give your life to him, I know it makes me feel that way. If you already have then maybe you should consider trying to show someone else the way. Let your light shine and be blessed.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


We all in life must find what we do that makes us special. Not what we do as a living but what we do that God designed us to do. Jesus was a carpenter by trade but what God designed for him to do was more than just building tables and chairs. Life is full of Gods tasks for us that we all must preform daily,but the simple truth is that we all are designed by God to do something special that only we can do given the strength by him. Be blessed

Friday, January 15, 2010


We too often forget the God is the source of all our blessings. When the little things go right to the big ones we need to stop and take a moment to thank God for that particular blessing. In the Bible all the great men of that time form old to new testament gave honor and praise to God for their blessings. We as Christians should do the same, not forgetting that we too are the children of the most high God. Pray for me as I will pray for you in goodwill and in good faith. Be blessed.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


In our lives we are face with great temptation. Some of us have addictions so strong that we don't even know if they are right or wrong anymore. It is up to us to look to God and know that while forgiving he still has a will, and we must submit to that will. A great song to go along with this truth is Don't be deceived by The Winans. I'm still reading Psalms 119 reading it slow to take in all it has  to offer, but scripture will always be different and relevant each time you read it. Late remember be blessed.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Upper Room

Each morning I wake up I praise the Lord. My personal  regiment is as follows Bible(pray for understanding as necessary) 2.Pray 3. Give the Lord praise 4. Listen to a gospel song. Some days I sing some days I don't but I should everyday. Today I was listening to the gospel song In The Upper Room by Mahalia Jackson. I've heard it many times but today it struck me in a place that I don't feel unless the Lord touches me. The song itself is sort of repetitive but it's not the words that move me I believe it to be the anointing God has place on that song that made me feel that way. In other news about me I'm reading Psalms 119 it's very good it  helps you keep the right mind set. Anyway I hope to fellowship with you guys. Be blessed your brother in Christ.

Friday, January 8, 2010


I am not a pastor nor am I a active church member. Don't let my first statement scare you away I'm just being honest. So why am I here? The answer is I'm a believer. I hope to gather other believers together in the body of Christ that might not understand his will or may have lost their way. I believe this is part of God's plan for my life. With his favor maybe we'll convince others to become believers too. This is an investment into my life as a part of God's plan to bless all of us that touch this project. Some may even call this a fledgling ministry whatever you want to call it is fine by  me as long as the almighty God calls it blessed. So what is it exactly that God want me to do with this? Answer I don't really fully understand that one myself, however I am confident that as we work together we will have that revealed to us.